Improving On Camp Staple Perfection?

Being a great lover of food, and a lover of camping, one of the things I enjoy very much about being out in the woods is the pleasure of making and eating s’mores.  There’s something about the marshmallow-on-a-twig toasted over a campfire on a stick then mushed between two graham crackers and a half of a Hershey bar that is divine.  I’ve tried it other places – at frou-frou restaurants and at home toasting the marshmallow over the stove and it’s just not the same.  Maybe it’s the ambiance, maybe it’s the lack of smoke, who knows?

Well, when we went camping at Knoebel’s (see previous post), one of the parents suggested substituting a Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup (full size, of course) for the Hershey bar, so we tried it.

I now have a new favorite culinary delight for camping. It was heavenly – even dear hubby who does not care for s’mores (he forgot to tell me that the first time we camped in the backyard 2 years ago with our son until AFTER I had made like 12 of them) thought they were amazin.

Enjoy.  🙂